
Inmo Yang



2015年3月、イタリア・ジェノヴァで開催された第54回パガニーニ国際ヴァイオリン・コンクールで2006年以来初めて第1位を獲得した。当時の審査委員長であったファビオ・ルイージは、「インモは直感的な音楽家である。彼のパガニーニは魅惑的で絶妙だ 」とコメントしている。また、最年少ファイナリスト、現代オリジナル曲の最優秀演奏賞、聴衆から最も高く評価された演奏、パガニーニが所有していたグァルネリ・デル・ジェスを用いたジェノヴァでの特別リサイタルなどの特別賞も獲得した。






Korean violinist Inmo Yang is the first prize winner of the 2022 Jean Sibelius Violin Competition. He was also awarded a prize for the best performance of the commissioned work written by Magnus Lindberg. Sakari Oramo- the chair of the jury- commented: “The winner was overwhelming. There is so much great about Inmo’s playing, both musically and violinistically. There is never anything extra involved in changing the spring, which produces singing and ease.”

In March 2015, Inmo won the 54th International Violin Competition “Premio Paganini” in Genoa, Italy, marking the first time since 2006 that the Paganini Competition jury awarded First Prize. Fabio Luisi, the chair of the jury at the time, commented: “Inmo is an intuitive musician. His Paganini is captivating and exquisite.” He also garnered the following special prizes: youngest finalist, best performance of the contemporary original piece, performance most appreciated by the audience, and a special recital in Genoa using Paganini’s own Guarneri Del Gesu violin.

Inmo made his Carnegie Hall debut at the Weill Recital Hall as a winner of the Concert Artists Guild competition, and went on to receive invitations to the Boston Symphony Hall, the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, the Ravinia Music Festival and the Marlboro Music Festival.

Inmo has performed with many renowned conductors such as Fabio Luisi, Neeme Järvi, Myung-whun Chung, James Gaffigan, and Osmo Vänskä. His concerto appearances include Orchestre National de France, Lucerne Symphony Orchestra, Zurich Philharmonic Orchestra, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, and Orchestra del Teatro Carlo Felice. Notable engagements for the upcoming season include a tour with Orchestre national de Metz, a concerto appearance with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra at Ravinia Festival, and performances of Unsuk Chin’s first violin concerto with Busan Philharmonic Orchestra as part of the orchestra’s residency program.

In 2021, Inmo released his second Deutsche Grammophon album [The Genetics of Strings]. His debut album – 24 Caprices by N. Paganini – was recorded live as part of the Kumho Art Hall residency and released under the same label in 2019.

Inmo studied with Miriam Fried at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, where he was the only violinist in its highly selective Artist Diploma program. Inmo is currently based in Berlin, where he is pursuing a master’s degree under Antje Weithaas at Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler”. Inmo is playing on a violin by G. B. Guadagnini of Turin kindly loaned by Jane Ng through J & A Beare and the Beare’s International Violin Society for The International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition.


ベルリン・バロック・ゾリステン with ヤン・インモ

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ベルリン・バロック・ゾリステン with ヤン・インモ

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ベルリン・バロック・ゾリステン with ヤン・インモ

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    2023年 11月 6日(月) 19:00開演

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    Halle Runde


パガニーニ:パイジェッロの「水車屋の娘」より「うつろな心」による序奏と変奏曲 Op. 38, MS 44
J.S.バッハ:無伴奏ヴァイオリン・パルティータ 第 1 番 ロ短調 BWV1002
タルティーニ:運弓法(コレッリのソナタ Op.5-10 のガヴォットによる 38 の変奏曲〜抜粋)
バルトーク:無伴奏ヴァイオリン・ソナタ Sz.117

